Matt Bomer What we really have to do is stop the adjective before the job title – whether it’s ‘black actor,’ a ‘gay actor’ or anything actor. – Matt Bomer Actor Quotes Adjective Quotes Black Quotes Gay Quotes Job Quotes Title Quotes Look, none of the artists who I admire or respect have ever shied away from a role because it might make them unpopular with somebody. It’s not like the right for gay people to marry just happened.
Story Musgrave The way you remember the past depends upon your hope for the future. And if what you see in your future has no hope, it has no potential, then you view the past that brought you to here as not very good. – Story Musgrave
Kaia Gerber Taking time for yourself is crucial when you’re surrounded by people all day. – Kaia Gerber
Meghana Raj Malayalam cinema has given me the biggest break and has been like a school for me on how to perform. – Meghana Raj
Harold Brodkey I awake with a not entirely sickened knowledge that I am merely young again and in a funny way at peace, an observer who is aware of time’s chariot, aware that some metamorphosis has occurred. – Harold Brodkey
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