Agnes Macphail Whatever is dirty, it is women’s job to clean up, or drive some man to clean up, and that goes for everything from cellar to senate. – Agnes Macphail Cellar Quotes Clean Quotes Dirty Quotes Drive Quotes Job Quotes Senate Quotes Womens Quotes Most of the women who have offered themselves for public office over the years have done so, I believe, more because of the ‘dirt’ than in spite of it.
India Arie Everything in my music has always been emotionally and spiritually motivated… But after I started doing yoga, the place where I came from changed drastically. – India Arie
Marina Warner I was brought up a Catholic and I was quite fervent, because I was sent to a convent school. – Marina Warner
DeathFearHopeMax Lucado One of the greatest gifts we can give people is the hope that their death is nothing to fear – you know, not that it has no fear in it, but the promise of scripture is that God will lead us through the valley of the shadow of death. – Max Lucado
Frances Beinecke Green roofs, roadside plantings, porous pavement, and sidewalk gardens have been proven to reduce flooding. They absorb rainwater before it swamps the streets and sewage systems. – Frances Beinecke
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