Judd Gregg When a company gets into trouble, it should basically have to be resolved, in other words, stockholders lose their money, unsecured bondholders lose their money. – Judd Gregg Basically Quotes Bondholders Quotes Company Quotes Lose Quotes Money Quotes Resolved Quotes Stockholders Quotes Trouble Quotes Unsecured Quotes You can’t make a representation and then claim you didn’t make it. You know, it just shouldn’t work that way. Whether or not you have good consumer protection has a big effect on safety and soundness of the banking community, especially smaller banks.
Jon Bon Jovi If people have to tell you how successful they are, they really aren’t that successful. – Jon Bon Jovi
Fay Wray They were very considerate, I must say. Every time I felt I was about to slip out of these fingers and would yell for help, they’d let me down and re-organize things. – Fay Wray
Dominic Raab No other country ties its hands in deporting foreign criminals as Britain does. – Dominic Raab
Phyllis Smith I’ve just tried to be a responsible person and pay my bills. But whatever it is I do, I want to do the best I can. – Phyllis Smith
Jon Rahm So many parents make the mistake that kids are more than what they really are, and they give them too much confidence. My dad was always a few steps away from that. He always thought, ‘Get a degree, just in case.’ – Jon Rahm
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