Adrian McKinty When a locked-room mystery doesn’t work, the solution makes you groan, and the book gets hurled across the room. – Adrian McKinty Book Quotes Groan Quotes Hurled Quotes Lockedroom Quotes Mystery Quotes Solution Quotes With a few notable exceptions, literary fiction in the U.K. is dominated by an upper and upper middle-class clique who usually have a tin ear for the demotic and who portray working-class characters with, at best, a benevolent condescension. A locked-room problem lies at the heart of my new novel, ‘In The Morning I’ll Be Gone,’ in which an RUC detective has to find out whether a publican’s daughter who fell off a table in a bar that was locked from the inside was in fact murdered.
David Eagleman What we find is that our brains have colossal things happening in them all the time. – David Eagleman
Menander Know thyself’ is a good saying, but not in all situations. In many it is better to say ‘know others.’ – Menander
Gordon Brown Christians do not say that people should be reduced merely to what they can produce or what they can buy – that we should let the weak go under and only the strong survive. No, we say, ‘Do to others what you would have them do unto you.’ – Gordon Brown
Max Thieriot At first, I didn’t like coming down to Los Angeles at all. It’s like, everything’s black and white compared to where I live out in the middle of nowhere. There’s, like, 400 people in my town! – Max Thieriot
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