Kent Brantly When a person survives Ebola, when they recover, they’re not a carrier of the virus. – Kent Brantly Carrier Quotes Ebola Quotes Person Quotes Recover Quotes Survives Quotes Virus Quotes In theory, and I think in practice, I am immune to the strain of Ebola that I was infected with. But there are five different strains of Ebola. As the Ebola virus continued to consume my patients, I witnessed the horror this disease visits upon its victims, the intense pain and humiliation of those who suffer with it.
Aaron Ruell There are a lot of hardcore ‘Napoleon’ fans, and they do the research and find photos of what I look like when I’m not ‘Kip-ified.’ Those fans recognize me. It happens maybe once a week, where someone will come up to me and be, like, ‘Dude, you’re Kip.’ And I’m, like, ‘Yeah, my name’s Aaron.’ – Aaron Ruell
Divya Khosla Kumar Chase your happiness in a way you desire rather than going for anybody else’s or society’s idea of happiness. – Divya Khosla Kumar
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