Gary Hamel When a politician bends the truth or a CEO breaks a promise, trust takes a beating. – Gary Hamel Beating Quotes Bends Quotes Breaks Quotes Ceo Quotes Politician Quotes Promise Quotes Takes Quotes Trust Quotes Truth Quotes It’s not just that individuals have lost faith in the integrity of their leaders, it’s that they no longer believe society’s most powerful institutions are acting in their interests. I live a half mile from the San Andreas fault – a fact that bubbles up into my consciousness every time some other part of the world experiences an earthquake. I sometimes wonder whether this subterranean sense of impending disaster is at least partly responsible for Silicon Valley’s feverish, get-it-done-yesterday work norms.
Richard Corliss I came of baseball age (isn’t it always around first grade?) in the last sputtering years of the A’s Philadelphia tenancy. I probably plighted my fated troth in 1949, when the A’s fluked into a winning season and introduced a pintsize southpaw named Bobby Shantz. – Richard Corliss
Chris Hardwick I don’t really read reviews and comments that much. There just isn’t a lot to be gained from it. – Chris Hardwick
Jade Bird I like my jumpsuits. They’re easy to get about in, I can move a bit onstage, there’s nothing to tuck in, and I don’t look like a little girl. – Jade Bird
Dave Gahan If you ask me who the members of the Rolling Stones or Led Zep or the Clash were, I’d be able to tell you every member. But I couldn’t name a single member of Arctic Monkeys. – Dave Gahan
Rosie Perez I used to get recognized quite often as being a ‘Soul Train’ dancer. Quite often, which was great at times but sometimes was not so great. Especially, back at college, it was not so great. It was pretty tough. – Rosie Perez
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