Menander When at a loss about something, go and take counsel by yourself. For in the midst of shouting, the advantageous course is not to be seen, but as one reasons with oneself, it shines out clear. – Menander Advantageous Quotes Counsel Quotes Loss Quotes Midst Quotes Oneself Quotes Reasons Quotes Shines Quotes Shouting Quotes Let bravery be thy choice, but not bravado. Whom the gods love dies young.
John Heard Television is fast and loose. You have two or three takes to get your part right, and if you have a problem, well, by the time you figure it out, everyone’s moved on to the next scene. It’s good training, keeps you on your toes. – John Heard
FaithLyndon B JohnsonStrength The separation of church and state is a source of strength, but the conscience of our nation does not call for separation between men of state and faith in the Supreme Being. – Lyndon B Johnson
Betsy Beers Being a little bit of a movie buff, the fact that I’m working in the middle of movie history is incredible. – Betsy Beers
Lzzy Hale We’re so humbled and lucky to be in a position where we’ve been a four-piece for over 15 years. We’re signed to a major label. We’re on our fourth record on a major label. We’ve won a Grammy. We’ve toured the world. – Lzzy Hale
Ivan Moody Bands like Metallica never sat around and said, ‘We’re speed metal,’ or ‘We’re thrash metal.’ If it feels good at the end of the day, to me, that’s metal. – Ivan Moody
Chris Chibnall What I didn’t want to come in with is ‘Camelot’ in all its pomp and glory. Instead we’re looking at how you build a society, how you build a world that people believe in, and how hard it is. – Chris Chibnall
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