Mike Colter When Barack Obama got elected, I remember being in Harlem specifically. I remember watching that whole part of town just swell. People walked the streets, but it wasn’t a riot – it wasn’t mayhem. It was a unified feeling of euphoria. – Mike Colter Barack Quotes Elected Quotes Euphoria Quotes Feeling Quotes Harlem Quotes Mayhem Quotes Obama Quotes People Quotes Remember Quotes Riot Quotes Streets Quotes Swell Quotes Town Quotes Unified Quotes Walked Quotes Watching Quotes Cops and criminals aren’t that different. They just play by different sets of rules. And the lines get blurred. There’s no such thing as ‘right’ and ‘wrong.’ There’s always a grey area. There are always hypocrisies. The big budget films have money to do things that are not necessarily essential but sure are comforting. The catering is usually much better. And you have way more of anything you could possibly need. You definitely get a trailer. My shirt and suit for ‘Million Dollar Baby’ were tailor made.
Marti Noxon I did, of course, do research about what the current state of affairs is in terms of the eating disorder community and who’s being affected, and I was surprised to see that – something that was – way back when I was in the thick of it, it was typified as a fairly white, middle-class girl problem. And if it was, it really isn’t anymore. – Marti Noxon
Mayawati We cannot fight just as Dalits. I understand for centuries people have fought each other. It is not easy to bring them together. But we have done this in U.P. – Mayawati
John Lewis When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something. – John Lewis
Ma Jian In 1989, I was on Tiananmen Square with the students, living in their makeshift tents and joining their jubilant singing of the Internationale. In the two decades since, each time that I have gone back, visions from those days seem to return with increasing persistence. – Ma Jian
Gretchen Whitmer The budget is absolutely interlinked – our ability to fund our education system, to clean up drinking water, is linked with our ability to rebuild roads in this state. I’m not signing anything unless it’s all done together. – Gretchen Whitmer
Keanu Reeves Oftentimes, when we think of 3D, we think of things coming out of the screen, but actually, you’ve got this zero, this negative space, what they call the negative space, which is the scene, what’s being filmed in the positive space of the audience. As you can have things come out, you can have all of this depth. – Keanu Reeves
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