James Jebbia When I do read something about a designer it doesn’t alter my thoughts about their collection when I see it in person. – James Jebbia Alter Quotes Collection Quotes Designer Quotes Person Quotes Read Quotes We were making clothes for that New York skater, who is a picky kind of person with good taste He may look scruffy to the outside world, but he’s very sharp in the way he dresses. I don’t really care what a designer has to say.
Harold Edward Holt The marshalling of those resources in order to obtain the maximum war effort for Australia, and a maximum degree of help and cooperation for Great Britain and the sister Dominions, is the primary objective of the new Department. – Harold Edward Holt
Dexter Fletcher With directing, you’ve got to find something and drag it up from its inception, and I’m at the early stages of doing that again. There’s something all-consuming and addictive about that. – Dexter Fletcher
Nelson DeMille We’re all pilgrims on the same journey – but some pilgrims have better road maps. – Nelson DeMille
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