John Sergeant Wise When I first concluded to print the book, I made an honest effort to construct it in the third person. – John Sergeant Wise Book Quotes Concluded Quotes Construct Quotes Effort Quotes Honest Quotes Person Quotes Print Quotes I was a tried seaman when, for the first time, I set foot upon the soil of my country, and took up my residence where my people had lived for over two hundred years. That settled Abraham Lincoln with me. I was thoroughly satisfied that no such man ought to be President; but I could not yet conceive it possible that such a monster would be the choice of a majority of the people for President.
AttitudeFearKatrina KaifPositive I have a very positive attitude in life. My insecurity, fear and need to know about tomorrow has fortunately eased. What is going to happen will happen anyway. So why break my head over it? – Katrina Kaif
Marat Safin No matter what happens, tennis is still tennis: You can see a lot of great matches, a lot of new people. – Marat Safin
Ralph Gibson In the history of photography, we have many masterpieces in terms of black and white books. You have Bresson’s ‘Decisive Moment,’ Frank’s ‘The Americans’… many masterpieces. But there is nothing to this caliber in color. Well, I think I’ll waltz with my muse and hope that I might be able to produce something on this order in color. – Ralph Gibson
Dante Alighieri The more perfect a thing is, the more susceptible to good and bad treatment it is. – Dante Alighieri
Andy Richter The basic equation that mystified me as a young man was looking at guys who could actually get girls. I was always amazed, because they never seemed to care. I was like, ‘How do they do that?’ – Andy Richter
Taissa Farmiga It’s a crazy world, stardom. I don’t even think of myself as a star. I just like to go to work. – Taissa Farmiga
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