Emeril Lagasse When I first decided to open a restaurant, I was turned down by several banks. It was the late 80’s and many restaurants were failing. I refused to give up because I knew I had a good concept. – Emeril Lagasse Banks Quotes Concept Quotes Decided Quotes Failing Quotes Late Quotes Refused Quotes Restaurant Quotes Restaurants Quotes I launched The Emeril Lagasse Foundation to provide culinary training, and developmental and educational programs to children in the cities where my restaurants operate. I think everyone has a responsibility to give back to the community if they can, and to help future generations learn new skills. My office in New York is overflowing with all kinds of cookbooks, and in New Orleans we have a huge culinary library. So yeah, I guess I’m a little bit obsessed.
Billy Donovan Every player is not going to have the chance to do everything that they want to do. But how do you mesh all of those guys together to get the whole to be better than the sum of the parts as a team? That would be my philosophy. – Billy Donovan
Ed Westwick I can get moody sometimes when I wake up after a nap – I’m like a four-year-old. – Ed Westwick
HopeMitt RomneySuccess Our worldly successes cannot be guaranteed, but our ability to achieve spiritual success is entirely up to us, thanks to the grace of God. The best advice I know is to give is to give those worldly things your best but never your all – reserve the ultimate hope for the only one who can grant it. – Mitt Romney
ArchitectureLudwig Mies van der Rohe Not yesterday, not tomorrow, only today can be given form. Only this architecture creates. – Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Lindsay Shookus When you’re in a business where you’re surrounded by celebrity a lot – and I can go into a room and those are a lot of the people that I know, and know very well – that in itself can be intimidating. – Lindsay Shookus
Anna Boden I think the most valuable thing that we’ve done at festivals is meet other filmmakers. – Anna Boden
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