Jonathan Capehart When I first met the Rev. Al Sharpton in 1993 as a cub editorial writer at the New York Daily News, he had already earned a reputation as a rabble-rouser at the center of every racial controversy in the Big Apple. – Jonathan Capehart Apple Quotes Center Quotes Controversy Quotes Cub Quotes Daily Quotes Earned Quotes Editorial Quotes Met Quotes News Quotes Rabblerouser Quotes Racial Quotes Reputation Quotes Rev Quotes Sharpton Quotes Writer Quotes York Quotes We’ve long known that Trump’s theatrics have always been about pumping up his own image, especially at the expense of people of color. If the Senate really wanted to take a big step to protect LGBTQ Americans and our families, it would finally pass the Equality Act.
Mike Barnicle Unlike other professions – doctor, lawyer, teacher, journalist, sales clerk, stock broker – when a cop makes a bad mistake, it could mean someone is dead. They take home mental baggage unlike anything carried in almost every other job. – Mike Barnicle
AnniversaryMo Farah The public do get behind me, and I love the crowd. When I’m ever in London, they give me massive support – the Anniversary Games, the cheers; they are always nice to me. – Mo Farah
ChristmasRory MacLean To me, it remains incomprehensible that a people who can design the Porsche 911 and sleek, white ice trains, who created the Bauhaus and speak at least three languages at birth, want to own twee Christmas figurines painted in gaudy colours, dress up in Bavarian lederhosen, and eat Haribo gummy bears. – Rory MacLean
Louise Nurding What works for me is a little bit of training and sensible eating. You know, the Cameron Diaz’s of the world put a lot of effort into it! But you can’t have it all – I like going out for dinner with my husband; I like meeting my mates at Starbucks! – Louise Nurding
Jean GiraudouxMarriage Faithful women are all alike, they think only of their fidelity, never of their husbands. – Jean Giraudoux
Mark Shields I think any advocate who is effective has fully acquainted himself or herself with the legislator they are going to meet. Know what committees they are on, what issues they are interested in, all in an effort to build a bridge for communicating with them. – Mark Shields
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