James May When I get into a car – any car – I still find it amazing that I’m allowed to drive it away. – James May Allowed Quotes Amazing Quotes Car Quotes Drive Quotes I think the astute viewer can recognise I am the proper bloke, because I have a toolbox and can put things back together, and I can quote W. B. Yeats and Alfred Lord Tennyson. Justice should not admit a public’s thirst for pure revenge.
Edgar Ramirez If my subject is alive and is willing to talk to me, I will do it. But I always try to find people who were close, like lovers and family members and work colleagues – because we are what we think we are, but we’re also the perception that others have of us. The truth is a sphere. There’s always a hidden face. – Edgar Ramirez
Lea Michele I don’t go out to clubs. You’ll never see me on a table at a bar, jumping up and down. – Lea Michele
Kenny G Maybe I’m a dreamer, but I think the ordinary guy has just as much right to say ‘This is a good song’ as somebody who is in the music business. – Kenny G
Danny Pino I find the older I get, the lower in weight I go. It’s harder to recover. Living in New York City, working a job that is unpredictable and at times stressful, you’re lifting way more than your max because you need to push some weight around. You put an extra plate on for the release, and then you’re sore the next week. Its stress release. – Danny Pino
Marcus Smart The whole point of college is to find yourself, to figure out things before you go into the real world. – Marcus Smart
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