Brit Marling When I go into a pitch room and I’m pitching something with a writing partner, everybody tends to look at the guy, even if I’m doing a lot of the talking. – Brit Marling Guy Quotes Lot Quotes Partner Quotes Pitch Quotes Pitching Quotes Talking Quotes Writing Quotes Is there anything worse than being called the ‘It Girl?’ By definition, there will be a new one in two weeks.
Steven Ford Dad had great people investing in his life at a young age. His mother, his stepfather, his Boy Scout leader, his football coach. That’s where integrity is planted, like seeds that are harvested later. – Steven Ford
Petra Collins Everyone has a mirror face that’s so different from their natural face. And I think it’s interesting, seeing the way people want to be viewed when they’re putting themselves together. – Petra Collins
Lloyd Blankfein The best traders are not right more than they are wrong. They are quick adjusters. They are better at getting right when they are wrong. – Lloyd Blankfein
Marvin GayeNature I think I’ve got a real love thing going. I love people, I love life, and I love nature, and I can’t see why other people can’t be like that. – Marvin Gaye
Sara Zarr When my characters are questioning things, it’s not me leading up to an answer; it’s me asking those same questions and letting the characters’ lives unfold and seeing where it takes them. – Sara Zarr
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