Sterling K Brown When I got into Stanford in high school, I had some friends from school who told me that I just got in because I was black and whatnot. – Sterling K Brown Black Quotes Friends Quotes School Quotes Stanford Quotes Told Quotes Whatnot Quotes I went to Target once and picked up three seasons of ’24’ – what I call the Jack Bauer power hour – and watched 72 episodes in ten days. It’s the people who don’t recognize the racism within themselves that can be the most damaging because they don’t see it.
BirthdayFarah Khan You are only part of the film industry if you are doing well, let me tell you. You will be invited to parties and flowers will reach you on your birthday. When you are not doing well, you are really an outcast. – Farah Khan
EnvironmentalMa Jun We firmly believe the environmental issues cannot be addressed without extensive public participation, but people need to be informed before they can get involved. – Ma Jun
Peter Nivio Zarlenga I know that no one can really stop me but myself and that really no one can help me but myself. – Peter Nivio Zarlenga
Grace VanderWaal Growing up so close to New York City, I always loved going to the city, but I’d be disappointed because songs about New York always made it seem so magical and perfect, and when I was younger, I just thought it was busy and dirty. – Grace VanderWaal
Eric SchlosserRespect By the way, I’m not a vegetarian. I have a lot of respect for people who are vegetarian for religious or ethical reasons. – Eric Schlosser
Federica Mogherini We want to engage in ever closer synergy with Latin American and Caribbean partners. – Federica Mogherini
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