Peer Steinbruck When I look at how the banking world has changed and at the role Chinese banks, for example, play today, Germany, as an export-oriented economy, should be pleased to have a major global player in its camp. – Peer Steinbruck Banking Quotes Banks Quotes Camp Quotes Changed Quotes Chinese Quotes Economy Quotes Exportoriented Quotes Germany Quotes Global Quotes Major Quotes Play Quotes Player Quotes Pleased Quotes Role Quotes The euro is a vital issue for Germany. There is no other country that derives as much benefit from the common domestic market and the monetary union as Germany. There are still deep-seated structural problems that threaten the economic balance in the world: Between the United States and China, for example, but also within Europe. We have taken a few steps toward taming the financial markets, but we haven’t come nearly far enough to rule out a repetition of the crisis.
Eugenio Montale The poet does not know – often he will never know – whom he really writes for. – Eugenio Montale
Ross Levinsohn I am extremely passionate about digital media and as a longtime user and fan of Yahoo! – Ross Levinsohn
Al Jarreau My mother and father come from that post-Depression, middle-of-World-War -I kind of thinking that says, ‘Find a practical job. You know what I mean, Mr. Big Shot? So, you can sing a song …’ – Al Jarreau
EqualityKevin Faulconer Striving for equality, celebrating our diversity, pushing for minority representation, and being proud of what makes us unique is what California is all about. But let us never allow our differences to blind us to the common humanity we all share. – Kevin Faulconer
ThankfulTorrey Smith I’m a human just like anyone else. We all have our problems that we deal with on and off the field. I’m thankful to have a beautiful wife and child that can help ease those problems when you come home. – Torrey Smith
Ben Howland I can’t think of much higher praise to give a player than to say, ‘This point guard reminds me of Jason Kidd.’ – Ben Howland
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