Daren Kagasoff When I meet a girl I like, I call her the next day. I don’t play that three-day rule. Maybe that’s psycho. But I usually feel like I should have called her that night! – Daren Kagasoff Called Quotes Day Quotes Feel Quotes Girl Quotes Meet Quotes Night Quotes Play Quotes Psycho Quotes Rule Quotes Threeday Quotes I want a girl who lets me do my own thing, but who is going to be by my side the whole time, because I know I’d be supportive of her. And kissing is a big thing for me! You have to be a good kisser. I got really bad grades, so I’d hide my report card from my dad. My mom was in on it, too, because she knew he’d be furious. I probably would’ve gone to boot camp. Seriously.
John C McGinley I worked on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange back when they used to write tickets. And I was just a runner. So a guy would write a ticket and I would run it, and it was endless. That was a hard job. And I dug tungsten… for a coal company in Wyoming one summer, and that was pretty miserable. – John C McGinley
Glenn Turner I think all versions of limited-overs cricket have attracted more people to the game. – Glenn Turner
Christine Ebersole How do I let go of Maplewood? It’s like Shangri-la. It’s so culturally diverse, and all my children are adopted – a transracial family. And we’re not the freaks. Everybody flies their freak flag high in Maplewood! – Christine Ebersole
Michael BerrymanReligion If your religion is better than mine and your opinion, you have a real problem. – Michael Berryman
Anne Reid My father fought in the war, and then he was posted all ’round the world with his job. So I didn’t know him very well when I was young. – Anne Reid
DietRobert IrvineTravel I travel 330 days a year and eat every two and a half hours – I’m a big guy. I always carry a fork, little bottles of spices, and Sriracha. I eat what I feel like eating. – Robert Irvine
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