Lauren Boebert When I say to beware of the ‘Fauci Ouchi,’ it is a way to cut through the clutter and communicate that the heavy hand of government should never threaten you with taking an injection you may be skeptical of or are unwilling to take. – Lauren Boebert Beware Quotes Clutter Quotes Communicate Quotes Cut Quotes Fauci Quotes Government Quotes Hand Quotes Heavy Quotes Injection Quotes Ouchi Quotes Skeptical Quotes Threaten Quotes Unwilling Quotes When times get tough, we get tougher. Failure and government assistance are not an option for us. It is not the government’s right to tell you what to inject into your body.
Sandra Tsing Loh The bad news in our most cosmopolitan and vibrant cities is that many middle-class people can no longer afford to live in ‘middle-class’ school districts. – Sandra Tsing Loh
Asa Hutchinson On the campaign trail, Hillary Clinton emphasized her experience. Yes, experience matters, but judgment matters more. Despite her experience, Hillary Clinton’s poor decisions have produced bad results. Just think about it. – Asa Hutchinson
Nadia Ali I think being an Asian woman has been more of an advantage than a disadvantage. It helps me stand out from the rest of the entertainers out there. Again, being from such an ethnically diverse place like New York, you get comfortable and confident with being different! – Nadia Ali
E L Doctorow I discovered Einstein said the same thing about his celebrated theories of relativity that writers say about their work when he said he didn’t have any feelings of personal possession of these ideas. Once they were out there, they came from somewhere else. And that’s exactly the feeling when you write. You don’t feel possessive about it. – E L Doctorow
Cedric Alexander For me, it’s been a long road of growth. Not only as a performer but as a man, as a father and all that kind of stuff so at one point in my career I really just wanted to give up and hang it because I wasn’t getting anywhere, I wasn’t getting myself in good shape. – Cedric Alexander
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