Francisco Goldman When I see a blatant injustice, I can’t keep quiet. I’ve been that way since I was a little kid. – Francisco Goldman Blatant Quotes Injustice Quotes Kid Quotes Quiet Quotes What’s important about me is that I really have, in ways I never could have foreseen when I was young, a writing career that’s reached a lot of different places. I have never liked the memoir form because I tend to think that memory fictionalizes anyway. Once you claim that you are writing a narrative purely from memory, you are already in the realm of fiction.
Jane Roberts Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it teaches you to stop suffering. – Jane Roberts
ExperienceJames Baldwin The responsibility of a writer is to excavate the experience of the people who produced him. – James Baldwin
AttitudeJohnny Vegas From a certain age, I sort of accepted myself for what I was. And although to other people it was like nothing ever goes right, I had a really nice attitude that I’d inherited from my parents, and especially from my dad. – Johnny Vegas
Andrew Tobias I think a lot of people would rather have more control over their life than less. – Andrew Tobias
Denise Austin I went to the University of Arizona on a full athletic scholarship for gymnastics, where I competed and got 9th in the nation at the NCAAs. – Denise Austin
Angie Thomas I often say that I want to write like Tupac rapped. I could listen to his album, and within a few minutes, I could go from thinking deeply to laughing to crying to partying. – Angie Thomas
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