Goldlink When I started soul-searching, I tapped into the old me and what I grew up around. I learned a lot about myself, and it really made me appreciate my upbringing. – Goldlink Grew Quotes Learned Quotes Lot Quotes Soulsearching Quotes Started Quotes Tapped Quotes Upbringing Quotes With ‘Opening Credit,’ we were trying to establish a certain tone and put people in a specific mood. Black culture is pop culture, Black History Month is every month, and that’s something they want us to forget. What better way to remember than to highlight all of our differences as a singular people across the globe?
Blanche Lincoln Stopping crime before it occurs is the most effective crime fighting tool of all. – Blanche Lincoln
Mario Monti This is certainly not the first case in which a merger approved in one place hasn’t gone through in the other. There was a case last year where the merger between two EU companies was approved here and blocked in the U.S. – Mario Monti
Edmund Phelps A healthy economics has got to have both conceptual, theoretical research and applied, empirical research. – Edmund Phelps
Monica Galetti I’ve seen many amazing chefs, girls, come into the kitchen and then give it up to be with their boyfriend. Would he do that for her? – Monica Galetti
Sherwood Boehlert I don’t see a groundswell of people willing to raise gas taxes right now. That leaves fuel economy standards as the only effective tool we have as a nation to make a dent in our dangerous and ever growing consumption of oil. – Sherwood Boehlert
Jadakiss Rap’s the only music that they categorize like that. That’s one thing that I hate, like, down South rap, or up North rap. Country is just country rather than wherever it’s from. R&B, you don’t call it Atlanta R&B, you know what I mean. So that’s already like a shot at our culture. – Jadakiss
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