Anuel AA When I started to get all that money, I started to buy a lot of watches. I bought 6 to 7 watches, the rainbow Rolex… In a year, I had spent $3.3 million just on the watches. – Anuel AA Bought Quotes Lot Quotes Money Quotes Rainbow Quotes Rolex Quotes Spent Quotes Started Quotes Watches Quotes I really like Billie Eilish’s music. It’s really different. My music ain’t like hers but I like her music, her vibe. Thank god ‘Real’ was successful, but I feel like ‘Emmanuel’ will be even more successful. All my ideas, I could put them to work myself, on my own time. I had more control, and it shows.
Pooja Bedi We need to celebrate our lives. One day, we’re all going to be dead and gone, and be nothing more than a pile of ashes. This is one life we’ve got and the only way to live it is to live it up shamelessly and joyously. – Pooja Bedi
Eric Schlosser If you eat, you should be concerned about the people who are providing you with food. – Eric Schlosser
Roberto Mancini The national team can do so much for Italian football, as can even lads who no-one knows or who play in the lower Leagues. – Roberto Mancini
Karan Mahajan When we talk about 9/11 and 26/11 – which is the shorthand for the Mumbai attacks in 2008 – we’re talking about the most successful terrorist attacks in history. When you start trying to study the most successful event of its kind, it actually doesn’t make for great fiction because there isn’t the kind of failure in it that fiction thrives on. – Karan Mahajan
Sam Esmail That’s what I did growing up. Other than being on the computer, I was watching TV and movies. I make no apologies. – Sam Esmail
ArtJohn WilliamsMusic I don’t make a particular distinction between ‘high art’ and ‘low art.’ Music is there for everybody. It’s a river we can all put our cups into and drink it and be sustained by it. – John Williams
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