Joel Robuchon When I used to have a show on French TV, people would ask me how my jacket stayed spotless while cooking. Your whole area has to be clean – and you have to keep it that way. – Joel Robuchon Clean Quotes Cooking Quotes French Quotes Jacket Quotes People Quotes Spotless Quotes Stayed Quotes I’m open to starting restaurants anywhere as long as the produce that’s readily available is high quality. For example, I’m never doing a restaurant in Shanghai because I saw the produce available there, and it’s just not good. I won’t do a restaurant in Moscow for the same reason. I like a well-roasted rotisserie chicken and eggs cooked various ways, like sunny-side up or scrambled. It’s comfort food for me.
Elizabeth Blackburn When scientists get old, they get interested in the brain, and I’m a little bit afraid I’m falling into that. – Elizabeth Blackburn
Kasper Schmeichel One of my biggest goals is to not be remembered as just a footballer. – Kasper Schmeichel
Justin Simien Part of my struggle with being gay was that a lot of my homophobia was internalized because of the cues that I was – received. I didn’t see anybody like myself in the culture. RuPaul was the closest to a gay, out black man that I had growing up. – Justin Simien
ArchitectureFrances Mayes I think I went to Italy initially for the art, architecture, food and history, but I stayed there because of the people in Cortona. – Frances Mayes
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