Andy Cohen When I was a 21-year-old intern at CBS, I was told I had crossed eyes and shouldn’t try to be on air. That’s when I decided I was going to be behind the scenes. – Andy Cohen Air Quotes Cbs Quotes Crossed Quotes Decided Quotes Eyes Quotes Intern Quotes Scenes Quotes Told Quotes Fame does different things to different people. For some people it makes them a better person. McDonalds used to be my favorite place to eat, until my metabolism changed in my late 30s. Before that, I would have no hesitation about walking into McDonalds and getting two cheeseburgers and fries and enjoying every last bite.
Gus Kenworthy Miley Cyrus followed me, tweeted at me. We started messaging; we traded numbers. She’s become like a friend. She’s super supportive of me being gay. – Gus Kenworthy
Benny Green The first time we performed as a duo, we had already been playing together in various situations. – Benny Green
Jorja Smith Sound has always followed me. A lot of reggae when mum was cooking. I’d write songs with my dad or play him anything I’d worked on. – Jorja Smith
Bill Murray Don’t think about your errors or failures; otherwise, you’ll never do a thing. – Bill Murray
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