Peter Ackroyd When I was a child I wanted to be Pope. My greatest disappointment is missing out on that. I also wanted to be a tap dancer but I never fulfilled that ambition either. – Peter Ackroyd Ambition Quotes Child Quotes Dancer Quotes Disappointment Quotes Fulfilled Quotes Missing Quotes Pope Quotes Tap Quotes I wanted to be a poet when I was 20; I had no interest in fiction or biography and precious little interest in history, but those three elements in my life have become the most important. I enjoyed reading and learning at school, and at university I enjoyed extending my reading and learning. Once I left Cambridge, I went to Yale as a fellow. I spent two years there. After that, George Gale made me literary editor of ‘The Spectator.’
John D'Agata I’m an essayist. And this is a genre that has existed for a few thousand years. Ever heard of Cicero? So these rules that I’m working under are not mine but rather were established by writers who recognized the difference between the hard research of journalism and the kind of inquiry of mind that characterizes the essay. – John D’Agata
Mark Millar I don’t see one as bring better or more literate than the other and there’s a real buzz to not only writing about a character I love like Superman, but also writing something that kids can enjoy. – Mark Millar
Jerry Zucker It’s Moore’s Law, everything will be obsolete in 10 years – I’ll be obsolete in 10 years! – Jerry Zucker
HomeMalik Jackson You come in to work, put that game face on, leave your problems at home, stay strong. – Malik Jackson
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