Jackie Coogan When I was a kid I had a ball in San Francisco because my Uncle Lou was a gripman on the California cable car line. – Jackie Coogan Ball Quotes Cable Quotes California Quotes Car Quotes Francisco Quotes Gripman Quotes Kid Quotes Lou Quotes San Quotes Uncle Quotes My uncle Les Dolliver was a partner with the Nasser brothers, who owned a string of theaters in San Francisco, and also supplied motion picture projectors and seats for theaters. So I was always around theater people. San Francisco’s my home town, you know.
John Tiffany One of my favorite things to read in the ‘Observer’ is the restaurant review by Jay Rayner. I love reading about these restaurants that I won’t ever have the time to go to. – John Tiffany
Gilbert O'Sullivan I’m very much a home bird. I sometimes think I should have been a domestic. I like sweeping up, getting everything tidy. I’m obsessive compulsive. I don’t mind admitting it. – Gilbert O’Sullivan
M S Swaminathan In any case, if I grow hybrid maize or hybrid pearl mallet or any hybrid, I have to sow fresh seed every year. I cannot keep the seed of the same plant. If I keep the seed of the same plant, yield will be much less and there will be a wide variation in the field, like maturity period, quality and so on. – M S Swaminathan
Jean Kennedy Smith It has always been my understanding that all official expenses for the U.S. ambassador’s residence in Dublin have been approved by the State Department. – Jean Kennedy Smith
Jonathan Anderson We need to articulate luxury differently. We live in the world of the ‘like’ culture. As a society, we’re consuming so much imagery, it’s like gorging on sugar, and the only way to find depth in a ‘like’ culture is by presenting the unknown. – Jonathan Anderson
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