Ilhan Omar When I was coming to this country, I heard about its promises. – Ilhan Omar Coming Quotes Country Quotes Heard Quotes Promises Quotes I have been very fortunate to have a partner who really stepped up and have wonderful children who do a lot of things that make it easy for Mommy to do this work.
Said Sayrafiezadeh More people work at Walmart than anywhere else in the United States, but you wouldn’t know that from our literature. I’m trying to get at the reality of this country by portraying the lives of many of my friends who I left behind in Pittsburgh. – Said Sayrafiezadeh
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola At last the best of artisans ordained that that creature to whom He had been able to give nothing proper to himself should have joint possession of whatever had been peculiar to each of the different kinds of being. – Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
Benny Green He would catapult you forward, and that was his intention with the Jazz Messengers. He would take young people with a potential and help them develop a voice as a player and as a writer. – Benny Green
Philipp Meyer Life throws up enough road blocks to keep you from writing; you can’t be adding to them yourself by saying you can only write in one specific place. I’m in New York half the time and Texas half the time, and I work wherever – in my computer bag I have some foam ear plugs that I can put in. – Philipp Meyer
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