Stacey Dooley When I was given my first gig, and I had no real appetite for a career, I just worked to get money so I could live! – Stacey Dooley Appetite Quotes Career Quotes Gig Quotes Live Quotes Money Quotes Real Quotes I’m such a wimp. Hate won’t solve anything.
Mark Kirk Every American born today owes $43,000 to the federal government the day she or he is born. And we are transferring a tremendous amount of debt to the new generation, much of it owed to overseas creditors who expect to be repaid by our children with interest. – Mark Kirk
Eve Ensler I would rate the fact that I get to be alive a big beautiful 10. Satisfaction with myself – work in progress. – Eve Ensler
Dave deBronkart I’ve been online since 1989; I was sysop on several CompuServe forums. – Dave deBronkart
Diane von FurstenbergTravel I travel in so many different ways; I travel high, I rough it… it all depends on who I travel with. – Diane von Furstenberg
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