Jill Scott When I was growing up, my mother would take me to plays and museums, and we’d talk about life. Those times helped shape who I became. – Jill Scott Growing Quotes Helped Quotes Life Quotes Mother Quotes Museums Quotes Plays Quotes Shape Quotes Talk Quotes Times Quotes Lately I’ve been going to all these high schools talking to the students, answering their questions, listening to what they have to say. It has been an incredible journey to be around them and try to give them what my mother gave me. Power doesn’t have to be on such a big scale for powerful things to occur. Within your own home, you can be a powerful woman as a mother, influencing your children’s lives.
Jimmy Smits The Latino population has become such a presence. We are part of the American tapestry in a very profound way, in every area you can think of, and are very significant in popular culture. – Jimmy Smits
Gary Bettman I don’t think taunting chants at players on the other side of the ice is intended to be sexist in the slightest. It’s like when you call a goaltender a sieve, they chant that. Is that now inappropriate also? – Gary Bettman
Jessica Savitch The minute viewers callin or write about your looks, they were not listening to what you were saying. – Jessica Savitch
Sheryl Crow I don’t set goals for myself too much, but I’m always trying to write that one great song. – Sheryl Crow
Max Holloway It’s super easy to do what Conor does. He earned something. Then, he looks over the fence – he looks for something new – and it’s very easy to be motivated for something new. – Max Holloway
Paul Rudd Whatever I’m working on, the character I’m playing tends to slowly bleed into my own real life. Not in any kind of creepy, Method actor-y kind of way – it’s just an innate kind of merging. – Paul Rudd
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