Dianne Reeves When I was in junior high school, I knew I really wanted to sing. – Dianne Reeves Junior Quotes School Quotes Sing Quotes When I first heard Nina Simone, her naked truth shocked me. Whenever she sang, it felt like lightning bolts in my soul. Every song was like a movie, a unique and very different vignette. The biggest thing is, when I was coming up, the thing that made you wonderful was your uniqueness. People celebrated that.
Ryan Adams There’s all these musicians in the world, and anybody that takes enough time to create a record or even think about the fantasy of rock & roll, it’s a vulnerable place to be in, it’s a huge thing to do. – Ryan Adams
Sinbad Who the heck is Donald Trump to fire me? I regret I didn’t tell Donald Trump, ‘You need to fire your barber. I’m sorry. I ain’t feeling you, man. You’re fired! I fire you, Donald Trump.’ – Sinbad
John Rampton Early rising will enhance your productivity, improve your mental outlook, and give you time to exercise, catch up on email, or just have breakfast with your family. In short, if you want to become more successful, it’s a good idea to jump out of bed earlier. – John Rampton
Ellie Taylor I once hosted the Butcher Shop of the Year Awards. There’s nothing like performing to the personification of the phrase a ‘sausage fest’ to hammer home how you’ve hit the big time. – Ellie Taylor
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