Joanna Page When I was in my first year at Rada, we went on a tour of the National. I remember bending down and touching the stage of the Lyttelton and saying to myself, ‘I’ll be here one day.’ – Joanna Page Bending Quotes Day Quotes Lyttelton Quotes National Quotes Rada Quotes Remember Quotes Stage Quotes Touching Quotes Tour Quotes I remember being in a play called ‘The Bumbles of Mumbles.’ I wore a gold costume and I had a gold cone on my head. I came on stage and the lights were on, and I just thought, ‘This is what I want to do with my life.’ I’ve been incredibly lucky in that I’ve been brought up by fab parents. They always said, ‘Hold your head up, have confidence and believe in yourself.’ As long as I can make them proud, and my husband proud, I really couldn’t care less about anything else.
Orson F WhitneyStrength Sound moral principle is the only sure evidence of strength, the only firm foundation of greatness and perpetuity. Where this is lacking, no man’s character is strong; no nation’s life can be lasting. – Orson F Whitney
Robert Conklin Resistance is thought transformed into feeling. Change the thought that creates the resistance, and there is no more resistance. – Robert Conklin
Alek WekBeauty Beauty is subjective and should not be limited to only what we see on the outside. – Alek Wek
Charles C Mann Artificial lighting, air-conditioning, and automobiles, all powered by fossil fuels, swaddle us in our giddy modernity. In our ergonomic chairs and acoustical-panel cubicles, we sit cozy as kings atop 300 years of flaming carbon. – Charles C Mann
Mandy Rose I was raised in an Italian-American family in the suburbs of Westchester County, just a little north of New York City. – Mandy Rose
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