Amanda Foreman When I was in my twenties, I strongly identified with Jane Austen’s ‘Emma’ – her human failings mixed with a desire to do good. – Amanda Foreman Austens Quotes Desire Quotes Emma Quotes Failings Quotes Human Quotes Identified Quotes Jane Quotes Mixed Quotes Twenties Quotes We need to feminise history because we are 50 per cent of the population, and our story is just as interesting. From Lady Carlisle’s trip to Moscow in 1663 to Veronica Atkinson’s tour of duty during the 1989 Romanian revolution, it is clear that very little has changed. Four hundred years of innovation, liberation, and improvement clearly bypassed the Foreign Office while making its rounds through Westminster.
Ha-Joon Chang What free-market economists are not telling us is that the politics they want to get rid of are none other than those of democracy itself. When they say we need to insulate economic policies from politics, they are in effect advocating the castration of democracy. – Ha-Joon Chang
Danielle Brooks I just want to be fully challenged as an artist, so that anyone who looks like me, who relates to me, says, ‘Oh, if Danielle did it, I can.’ – Danielle Brooks
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