Paul Merton When I was nine I spent a lot of my time reading books about the history of comedy, or listening to the Goons or Hancock, humour from previous generations. – Paul Merton Books Quotes Comedy Quotes Generations Quotes Goons Quotes Hancock Quotes History Quotes Humour Quotes Listening Quotes Lot Quotes Previous Quotes Reading Quotes Spent Quotes Time Quotes I was trying to organise my DVDs into a sort of chronological order, and I am afraid that it all trailed off after the Sixties. I think having an outsider’s viewpoint is interesting and good, especially for a comedian.
George Soros I’m not doing my philanthropic work, out of any kind of guilt, or any need to create good public relations. I’m doing it because I can afford to do it, and I believe in it. – George Soros
Margaret MacMillan The Italian futurists, the German expressionists, and the British vorticists were fascinated by speed and the ways the modern world was shattering conventions. The old ways of painting, writing, sculpting, and composing no longer seemed adequate to capture the world. – Margaret MacMillan
Joanna Southcott The end of all things is at hand; that Satan’s kingdom will be destroyed, and Satan chained down for a thousand years, and Christ’s kingdom established upon earth. – Joanna Southcott
David Mellor The tabloids are like animals, with their own behavioural patterns. There’s no point in complaining about them, any more than complaining that lions might eat you. – David Mellor
Ben Vereen The death of my daughter is a subject I talk about briefly because there is nothing more tragic. – Ben Vereen
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