Bob Crane When I was on KNX I did a lot of television and motion pictures and as you know I did the ‘Donna Reed Show’ for two years while I was still a DJ on KNX. In fact when I started ‘Hogan’s Heroes,’ I was still doing my daily show on KNX. – Bob Crane Daily Quotes Donna Quotes Heroes Quotes Hogans Quotes Knx Quotes Lot Quotes Motion Quotes Pictures Quotes Reed Quotes Started Quotes Television Quotes I don’t dig jogging. I’ve tried, I really have, but I don’t get any enjoyment out of jogging.
Charles Keating In film and television we are oftentimes so pampered that the truths are withheld. – Charles Keating
Steven Price For me, anything can be music! I can get huge enjoyment and be moved totally by the purity and perfection of some Renaissance polyphony, but equally I can feel emotion in the expectant hum of a big old guitar amp just before the strings are hit. – Steven Price
Bobby Flay One thing you don’t want to do as a host is be running around all evening. Do as much as you can ahead of time, so all you have to do is grill the main ingredients. – Bobby Flay
John Banville When you’re writing there’s a deep, deep level of concentration way below your normal self. This strange voice, these strange sentences come out of you. – John Banville
Jim Barksdale I want my testimony to stand on that point. But I would point out that Zona Research Inc. showed we have increased market share among business users, educational users, and government users over the past several months – and that’s more recent than the IDC report. – Jim Barksdale
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