Emma Healey When I was very small, I loved ‘Meg And Mog’ by Helen Nicoll and Jan Pienkowski. I had all the books and remember going to see the theatre production. – Emma Healey Books Quotes Helen Quotes Jan Quotes Loved Quotes Meg Quotes Mog Quotes Nicoll Quotes Pienkowski Quotes Production Quotes Remember Quotes Theatre Quotes Ann Radcliffe was an early influence; I devoured her books while I should have been studying for my GCSEs. I’m not a writer who thinks about writing only for themselves; I do always have a reader in mind.
Billy Beane When I first came into baseball, people didn’t want to hear that a team was a business. But it is. And the better the business is run, the healthier the team on the field is going to be. – Billy Beane
BusinessHenry Ford The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. – Henry Ford
Kevin De Bruyne You’ve always six teams who are trying to win the title, and the other five have failed. But by word of saying it, it’s not failing; it’s just the way it is. The last two years, we didn’t win it, so it wasn’t good enough, but if now we win it, the other teams will say the same. – Kevin De Bruyne
Harold Brodkey I awake with a not entirely sickened knowledge that I am merely young again and in a funny way at peace, an observer who is aware of time’s chariot, aware that some metamorphosis has occurred. – Harold Brodkey
Erin O'Connor With high fashion, it’s a performance. You’re trying to interpret a fantasy in a very physical way, and you really are playing a character. I’ve played men, dead people, famous people, historical icons, and it’s no mean feat. It’s quite an insular experience even though the crowd is in front of you and there’s an expectation. – Erin O’Connor
Sal Khan Creating a clear and engaging video explanation of a complex concept is a great way to demonstrate mastery and to help others understand and love the subject, too. – Sal Khan
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