Domhnall Gleeson When I was younger, my father told me not to pigeonhole the way that I perceive myself. – Domhnall Gleeson Father Quotes Perceive Quotes Pigeonhole Quotes Told Quotes I think everybody’s got their insecurities and hang-ups. Everybody! Unless you’re an idiot. I was in ‘Harry Potter,’ and nobody on the street recognizes me from that. Nobody on the street has ever stopped me from ‘Harry Potter!’
Emma Stone I think the number one thing that I find important is the importance of honesty with your friends and your parents, if you can be. But I think that telling people how you really feel, being who you truly are, being safe and taking care of yourself is the most important thing. – Emma Stone
Jose MujicaPolitics A lot of people like a lot of money. They shouldn’t go into politics. – Jose Mujica
Shawn Bradley I always knew that if I kept working and trying to improve, good things would happen. – Shawn Bradley
Graydon Carter There’s probably a half-dozen movie actors I really like. But a lot of them just aren’t that interesting. – Graydon Carter
Mary Katharine Ham With the spread of COVID-19, millions of moms and dads have started spending a lot more time with their kids, in new roles. – Mary Katharine Ham
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