Sebastian Vettel When I went into the last lap I was regretting a bit that it was over. I was enjoying again the first sector for the last time. Simply fantastic this circuit, and if you get 53 laps more, you appreciate it even more. It’s made by God’s hands. – Sebastian Vettel Bit Quotes Circuit Quotes Enjoying Quotes Fantastic Quotes Gods Quotes Hands Quotes Lap Quotes Laps Quotes Regretting Quotes Sector Quotes Simply Quotes Time Quotes It was an unbelievable experience! The brakes, the g-forces and the power of the engine are beyond description. Thanks to BMW and WilliamsF1 for giving me this chance to test. The test team looked after me brilliantly and I learnt plenty. I have always watched the Race of Champions on TV every year and dreamed about participating one day. It’s fantastic to be invited; I’m so happy. To represent Team Germany together with Michael Schumacher is a great honor.
Norman Lloyd The writing was vastly superior to almost anything that was on the air. It’s one of the great shows. It was an important show… ‘St. Elsewhere’ was one of the great shows in the history of television. – Norman Lloyd
Mark Waid What I need is for comics to not cheapen out and just do what they think a bunch of bloodthirsty 15 year old fans want. – Mark Waid
Garth Risk Hallberg I remember reading ‘The Hobbit’ on a car trip from Ohio to Mississippi and getting out at a rest-stop in Mississippi and feeling jet-lagged at my return from Middle-earth. – Garth Risk Hallberg
David Friedman I think of my songs as there to be something to move people emotionally. – David Friedman
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