Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel When liberty is mentioned, we must always be careful to observe whether it is not really the assertion of private interests which is thereby designated. – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Assertion Quotes Careful Quotes Designated Quotes Liberty Quotes Mentioned Quotes Observe Quotes Private Quotes Once the state has been founded, there can no longer be any heroes. They come on the scene only in uncivilized conditions. Too fair to worship, too divine to love.
Kelly Asbury The way I choose voice talent is I don’t let them tell me who the actor is. – Kelly Asbury
Mario Draghi There is no better protection against the euro crisis than successful structural reforms in southern Europe. – Mario Draghi
Morley Safer Don may yawn at the idea, which he often does, but the great thing about Don, he has confidence in me and Mike and Ed and Leslie and Steve, that we’re not going go out and do stories that will put people to sleep. – Morley Safer
Frances O'Grady Britain is a textbook case of how growing inequality leads to economic crisis. The years before the crash were marked by a sharp rise in remortgaging and the growth of 0 percent balance transfer credit cards. By 2008 the UK had the highest ratio of household debt to GDP of any major economy. – Frances O’Grady
Lucy Powell There’s a loss of faith in the banking system that for so long has been the backbone of prosperity and growth. – Lucy Powell
Linda M Godwin It’s very important to know that we packed it right because it is a safety issue for coming home. – Linda M Godwin
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