Rich Lowry When my dad was badly weakened by the flu and my mom wanted to call an ambulance to take him to the emergency room, he wouldn’t go unless he could shave first and change into a nice shirt and a pair of slacks. – Rich Lowry Ambulance Quotes Badly Quotes Change Quotes Dad Quotes Emergency Quotes Flu Quotes Mom Quotes Nice Quotes Pair Quotes Shave Quotes Shirt Quotes Slacks Quotes Weakened Quotes Parents are the most likely to be victims of the violence of their mentally ill children. You have to check out ‘March of the Penguins’. Penguins are the really ideal example of monogamy.
Najib Mikati We open our door, and we are still committed to open our door for our brothers in Syria. But doesn’t mean that we should not keep alone. The international community should really – should really share Lebanon the numbers of refugees and share Lebanon the cost of their living. – Najib Mikati
Jane Byrne I accept that responsibility and ask only that I be judged by my performance as its chief executive. – Jane Byrne
Hasso Plattner Fans don’t like owners. They know they are somewhere – actually, in Germany, some owners are anonymous. Fans don’t sympathize with owners, so ownership stays in the back. – Hasso Plattner
Manu Ginobili Not one Argentinian in history had made it to the NBA. So why was it going to be me? There was no way me or anyone that was near me could ever envision a career like this. – Manu Ginobili
Rainer Weiss This is the first real evidence that we’ve seen now of high gravitational field strengths: monstrous things like stars moving at the velocity of light, smashing into each other, and making the geometry of space-time turn into some sort of washing machine. – Rainer Weiss
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