Calum Scott When my friends started to care about getting girlfriends, I really didn’t. I started to think, literally, ‘What’s wrong with me?’ and, ‘Why can’t I be normal like everybody else?’ – Calum Scott Care Quotes Friends Quotes Girlfriends Quotes Literally Quotes Normal Quotes Started Quotes Wrong Quotes If one less kid can grow up without hiding who they are along the way or having to believe that who they love is something that will make them lonely, then everything I went through will be worth it. I remember when we were going to release ‘Dancing On My Own,’ and I went into the record label crying to them that I was terrified people wouldn’t support me anymore if they knew I was gay.
AngerForgivenessKaren Salmansohn Since I began my practice of Forgiveness Therapy, it’s now instinctual for me to choose to eat like I love myself – instead of eating like I wanted to punish myself. Plus I’ve not only lost weight, I’ve lost the anger and anxiety I was feeling, and so I feel happier and calmer within. – Karen Salmansohn
AttitudeGiovani Dos SantosPositive Things don’t always go your way in football: there are always good and bad times. At the end of the day, you have to have a positive attitude and a strong mentality and not let any setbacks get you down. And that’s what I’ve done – I’ve tried to keep my composure, even when things aren’t going the way I’d like. – Giovani Dos Santos
Nina Easton Events like Hurricane Katrina and the Minnesota bridge collapse suggest a national infrastructure that has suffered from lack of tending. – Nina Easton
Christopher Dawson For humanism also appeals to man as man. It seeks to liberate the universal qualities of human nature from the narrow limitations of blood and soil and class and to create a common language and a common culture in which men can realize their common humanity. – Christopher Dawson
Harvey Pekar I really don’t have a lot in common with the people who attend the Comic Con. It’s like assuming that all people who write prose are the same. – Harvey Pekar
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