Stephen CoveySuccess When one side benefits more than the other, that’s a win-lose situation. To the winner it might look like success for a while, but in the long run, it breeds resentment and distrust. – Stephen Covey Benefits Quotes Breeds Quotes Distrust Quotes Resentment Quotes Situation Quotes Success Quotes Winlose Quotes Winner Quotes A person has to remember that the road to success is always under construction. You have to get that through your head. That it is not easy becoming successful. Success is dependent on effort.
Lisa Ann Walter We all hate on ourselves way too much, and there are so many people who think they have to look like those women on TV. That’s so unreasonable. Everybody is supposed to be a different size. And if I can just be confident in myself, then I’ll look better. It’s quantum physics! – Lisa Ann Walter
Paul Johnson Where the quest for knowledge is relatively, and now almost absolutely, unrestrained, the public benefit will be great, especially where the certainty of the law ensures that knowledge is rewarded. This is exactly the combination that is the foundation of wealth-creation. – Paul Johnson
Lionel Shriver I was terrified of growing up to become the anti-me, maturing into a woman whom I would not recognise and who wouldn’t recognise her younger self. – Lionel Shriver
Shawn Porter There are so many things that go on. I think you have to have the heart and the will and the drive to continue to do what you have to do no matter what. – Shawn Porter
Joan Smalls I’d like to see more beauty campaigns for girls who are mixed Latina and black. – Joan Smalls
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