Eric Bristow When Phil Taylor is in the field – no matter whether it’s tiddlywinks or the world championship at Alexandra Palace – he is the man to beat. – Eric Bristow Alexandra Quotes Beat Quotes Championship Quotes Field Quotes Matter Quotes Palace Quotes Phil Quotes Taylor Quotes Tiddlywinks Quotes Any sport where people earn a lot of money you are going to get groupies. Hopefully I’ve given something back to darts, which has been brilliant to me. Hopefully I made it a bit popular when I first started; I was part of the breakaway, and I also created a monster, so I think I’ve done a little bit.
Carolyn Porco Most of the solar system resides beyond the orbits of the asteroids. There is more to learn there about general planetary processes than on Mars. – Carolyn Porco
Suniel Shetty Critics can get you critical acclaim – nothing more than that. Success or failure depends on the public. – Suniel Shetty
Patti Smith I don’t stay in one discipline because it’s more lucrative than another. In fact, the most successful thing I ever did was ‘Just Kids,’ for which I had absolutely no expectations. – Patti Smith
JrSammy Davis I believed in Bobby Kennedy. Campaigning for him was an attempt to give back something to this country that has given me so much. – Sammy Davis, Jr
Robin WassermanTeen For me, the teen years were all about searching for a place for myself, wondering why I seemed so different than everyone else, wondering especially why no one could look past the surface and figure out who I really was underneath. – Robin Wasserman
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