Erwin McManus When researchers try to break down what is happening at Mosaic, far too often they see the skin and miss the heart. – Erwin McManus Break Quotes Happening Quotes Heart Quotes Mosaic Quotes Researchers Quotes Skin Quotes God has leveraged the human spirit to move in His direction, and all the material we need to bring a person to the realization that they were created by God actually already exists inside that person. If you look at it from just a pure economic basis, technology is replacing all of the jobs robots can do, and machinery is replacing the jobs that humans once held. If we don’t train our children to imagine, to create, they’re going to be unemployable.
Oliver Goldsmith With disadvantages enough to bring him to humility, a Scotsman is one of the proudest things alive. – Oliver Goldsmith
Rickey Medlocke I really believe that with all of what Lynyrd Skynyrd has been through, we can survive just about anything. We’ve had a load of ups and downs, but we’re still here. – Rickey Medlocke
M C Gainey Con Air’ was kind of a turning point for me, in my mind. I never shot anybody in that movie – I never did anything bad – because there were so many bad guys in that movie. I said, ‘The hell with this, I’m just gonna be a lovable guy.’ I’m like Steve McQueen in ‘The Great Escape.’ – M C Gainey
Devin McCourty I mean, I love New England. But after 10 years and winning three Super Bowls, something inside was telling me that I was ready for a new challenge. And I thought I might have to go elsewhere to find it. – Devin McCourty
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