Maya Wiley When Superstorm Sandy churned up fourteen-foot walls of water that slammed New York’s coastal communities in October 2012, they also washed away any false notions we had that we care sufficiently for poor people. – Maya Wiley Care Quotes Churned Quotes Coastal Quotes Communities Quotes Fourteenfoot Quotes Notions Quotes October Quotes People Quotes Poor Quotes Sandy Quotes Slammed Quotes Superstorm Quotes Walls Quotes Washed Quotes Water Quotes Yorks Quotes We all need to be able to see a Doctor when we’re sick. High-speed Internet access won’t stop future superstorms and it won’t solve all the unfairness that low-income New Yorkers face. But with strong alliances between community members, local nonprofits, businesses and technology experts, it will bring affordable, local innovation that helps us build stronger, fairer and more resilient communities.
Melissa Leo Wayward Pines, I tell you, is a strange place, and the entry is always the hardest part. I was just going along for the ride. – Melissa Leo
Oscar Robertson They should have a rule: in order to be a sportswriter, you have to have played that sport, at some level; high school, college, junior college, somewhere. Or, you should have had to have been around the game for a long time. – Oscar Robertson
Jim Peebles I’ve always been interested in mechanical things. I think I must have been heavily influenced by my father, who is also very good with his hands. He liked to build things. I always loved to watch him do it, and I loved to build things on my own. – Jim Peebles
Mauricio Macri Argentina is ready to take its place. Its a big country with a lot of talent. – Mauricio Macri
Charles FrohmanSmile When you consider all the stars I have managed, mere submarines make me smile. – Charles Frohman
ComputersJoe WalshSad The new generation of musicians is writing music on computers, and this is very sad because the quality of songwriting has crashed and dived. There are some songs out that are made by only one guy who works a computer and doesn’t play any instruments. – Joe Walsh
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