Buddy RiceCar When the car’s going well, I purr like a kitten. – Buddy Rice Car Quotes Cars Quotes Kitten Quotes Purr Quotes I really like Kendrick Lamar. I’m still a Talib Kweli fan, Lupe Fiasco, Mos Def, Common Sense – people who say things that are relevant to everyday life. I don’t pay attention to artists that talk about throwing money away and the car that they drive. Why did they keep changing guitars and amplifiers when they were perfect? They did the same things with cars, if you ask me. They forgot how to make them right, because they focused on style and bells and whistles.
FutureStacy Brown-Philpot The future of work is really about people deciding to live and work in the way that they want. – Stacy Brown-Philpot
Eve Ensler If you are connected to your own internal being, it is very hard to be screwing and destroying and hurting another human being, because you’ll be feeling what they’re feeling. If you’re separated, it’s not a hard thing to do at all. – Eve Ensler
Leslie Grossman I’ve absolutely worked with people who, when you go onto a set, have a huge amount of attitude and the person you’re working with, particularly if they’re much more established than you are, they really want to let you know that they’re the star of the show. – Leslie Grossman
Ben Schott I have the luxury of getting up quite late, so I hardly ever set an alarm clock. – Ben Schott
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