Chris Hughton When the game is played by such a high percentage of black and ethnic minority players and we’re looking at the percentage of managers and coaches, at the top level it is minimal. – Chris Hughton Black Quotes Coaches Quotes Ethnic Quotes Game Quotes Level Quotes Managers Quotes Minimal Quotes Minority Quotes Percentage Quotes Played Quotes Players Quotes All we want eventually to see is more black and ethnic coaches involved at the higher levels of the game. Anything that promotes that is something very much worthwhile. Racism doesn’t go overnight. It’s over a period of time and education.
Nikola Tesla I have already demonstrated, by crucial tests, the practicability of signaling by my system from one to any other point of the globe, no matter how remote, and I shall soon convert the disbelievers. – Nikola Tesla
Stephen Collins When you put a group of actors together who get along, and we have since day one, they don’t become like their roles. What tends to happen is their age disappears and they all deal with each other as friends. – Stephen Collins
Paul Bremer These people hate the United States, not for what we do, but for who we are and what we are. – Paul Bremer
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