Devendra Banhart When the Internet came along, the first thing I did was look up Wu-Tang so I could print out their symbol and glue it onto my skateboard. – Devendra Banhart Glue Quotes Internet Quotes Print Quotes Skateboard Quotes Symbol Quotes Wutang Quotes In the past, I had this open-door policy where everyone was invited. And that was awesome, but you end up releasing songs that you don’t really like and justifying it in your head. As anthropomorphic and surreal people have said my early writing was, to me it was really stock and almost banal in the sense that it was just description, the poetry of comparing: ‘Your feet are like A, and your eyes like B.’
Jasper Carrott I should be more vocal about the things I believe are doing us harm, but many years ago in my early twenties, I learned a bit of a lesson. I started to realise at that time the benefits of eating healthy food and drink. – Jasper Carrott
Robert Mapplethorpe I am selfish, but that’s an attribute that all artists possess. – Robert Mapplethorpe
Jase Robertson I’ve always said the key to killing a lot of mallards if you live on the East Coast is to move west. The No. 1 rule in duck hunting is to go where the ducks are. – Jase Robertson
Lauren Conrad I used to get taxed on my allowance. Yeah, I’ve been taxed since I was a little kid. And at the end of the year I had to pick a charity to donate my taxes to. – Lauren Conrad
Lyoto Machida I like to empty my mind and focus on developing my abilities in training. – Lyoto Machida
Georg Brandes That a literature in our time is living is shown in that way that it debates problems. – Georg Brandes
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