Randall L Stephenson When the iPhone came out, every CIO in America said, ‘You’re not bringing that into our corporate environment,’ my CIO included. – Randall L Stephenson America Quotes Bringing Quotes Cio Quotes Corporate Quotes Environment Quotes Included Quotes Iphone Quotes E-mail, when it became mobile – what happened? Utilization of email went through the roof. Just pure Internet access and data – what happens when you mobilize it? Multiples. People are dependent upon broadband and as you mobilize it, they become even more dependent on broadband. I’m not asking you to be tolerant of each other. Tolerance is for cowards. Understand each other.
Charlie Adam I just love watching football. It doesn’t matter what level it is, whether it’s Fleetwood or Blackpool. I love to go and watch games. – Charlie Adam
Lawrence Kudlow According to Breitbart, data from the Federal Election Commission show that Facebook staff gave $114,000 to Hillary Clinton. The next-closest recipient of political money was former Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio. He only got $16,604. – Lawrence Kudlow
FoodHealthJorge Cruise The only secret to food combination is a balance of protein, carbs and fat – they all play a key role in our health. – Jorge Cruise
Ron Paul Another term for preventive war is aggressive war – starting wars because someday somebody might do something to us. That is not part of the American tradition. – Ron Paul
Pieter Zeeman Moreover, photography has made it possible to fix these images and now provides us with a permanent record of each observed spectrum, which can be measured out at any time. – Pieter Zeeman
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