Mona Eltahawy When we complain to Egypt’s Western allies about whichever autocrat is in power, we are asked, ‘But who is the alternative?’ It is a question designed to frustrate. – Mona Eltahawy Allies Quotes Alternative Quotes Autocrat Quotes Complain Quotes Designed Quotes Egypts Quotes Frustrate Quotes Power Quotes Question Quotes Western Quotes The military belongs in its barracks, not our ballot boxes. We have been under military rule since 1952, when a group of army officers overthrew Egypt’s monarchy and ended Britain’s occupation of the country. But that only replaced an external occupation with an internal one, in which favored sons of the armed forces replaced their uniforms with suits, a move meant to create a semblance of civilian rule.
ChanceJim Rohn If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. – Jim Rohn
Clemantine Wamariya I hate light… I feel like at night, it’s safer. If anything happens, there’s a way to hide at night. Another thing I hate about light is it reminds me about being in a refugee camp and being outside. – Clemantine Wamariya
CommunicationFelicity Jones In a way, ‘Like Crazy’ keys into our generation, this idea of now we can still be in communication. Where do the boundaries of relationships end? – Felicity Jones
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