Ahmet ZappaImagination When we had to do book reports, I would pick a book that no one read and just make it up and turn that in. I got praised for my imagination. – Ahmet Zappa Book Quotes Imagination Quotes Pick Quotes Praised Quotes Read Quotes Reports Quotes Our democracy, our constitutional framework is really a kind of software for harnessing the creativity and political imagination for all of our people. The American democratic system was an early political version of Napster. I was a wild, mischievous kid, and I had tremendous imagination. Any experience I had, I’d try to reenact it.
Jake Auchincloss I have previously secured funding to train American workers in the offshore wind industry, and I will continue to fight for this critical clean energy industry. – Jake Auchincloss
Suzanne Vega It takes as much discipline to be a mother and a wife as it does to do anything else. – Suzanne Vega
Andy Serkis I think there will always be a particular generation of actors who… think that they’re going to be replaced by robots. But certainly the emerging actors… understand that that’s part of the craft. – Andy Serkis
Annastacia Palaszczuk I want to see the free movement of our ambos being able to get to and from where they need to be, I need our firies out fighting fires, and I need our police out doing their job as well. – Annastacia Palaszczuk
Ryan Hall I really didn’t feed off the whole Olympic experience at all, and I regret that from an athletic perspective, and also from a personal experience. I feel like I missed out, so I’m not going to do that this time. – Ryan Hall
Marissa Jaret Winokur The truth is if you can eat just a serving size, you can eat anything. But we all know how those harmless treats can call out your name all night long, and rationalizing in the middle of the night is very easy. – Marissa Jaret Winokur
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