James May When we were kids, if somebody said, ‘What did you watch last night?’ you would have said, ‘BBC Two,’ but now they’ll just say, ‘My mobile.’ – James May Bbc Quotes Kids Quotes Mobile Quotes Night Quotes Watch Quotes I do worry about breaking things – things that don’t belong to me. I’m not very ambitious, sorry… I don’t get up and think, ‘Today, I shall achieve greatness.’ It’s more, ‘Today I might have Marmite on my toast.’
Lori Foster Having kids is the deal-breaker on shyness! Once you have a baby, you learn to speak up loud and clear to protect them, defend them, and encourage them. I have three sons, so I’ve experienced that in triplicate. – Lori Foster
DadDusty Rhodes For as long as I can remember, my nickname was Dusty. I remember my dad naming me that because of the streets where we lived. – Dusty Rhodes
Steve Vai I’m always pursuing knowledge; I’m a seeker of spiritual equilibrium – and music is a big part of that. – Steve Vai
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